Friday, December 16, 2016

Your Existence is Not Defined by your Political Views by David Malekar

I'm to this day extremely baffled by the following:

> Deleting/Cutting out people from your life because of political views, especially when they have been friends/family for many years of your lives.

> Not wanting to openly discuss political topics and suppress such discussion when discussing these matters always gives greater insight to the other side or information on your own current beliefs.

My political and personal opinions always evolve with new information. That's how everyone should be with all things. They should also question everything they believe, themselves.

"My political and personal opinions always evolve with new information. That's how everyone should be with all things. They should also question everything they believe, themselves."
- David Malekar

Let's take a quick summary on my political path for context, then I'll go back into friendships and relationships.

I was told to be a Democrat growing up because I was poor. I didn't listen to politics as a kid because I didn't care about it. Kids don't have to, which is fine. I knew something was wrong, however; because nothing ever changed for the better in my life with the Democrats being in charge. They didn't help me like they always claimed they were doing.

I was told to be a Republican when I was 19 because that was the only other choice. Republicans weren't doing anything for anyone at that time either; they had people getting killed in the Middle East during the George W. Bush era.

Discovering on my own research Ron Paul and his recommendations; I found the Constitution Party and helped them get Chuck Baldwin on the ballot in my state in 2008. This was the first election cycle I could participate in and I finally got into politics. Constitution Party seemed to be happy being stagnant and not growing, so I went strictly independent. Became inactive politically for a couple years.

2012 comes along and Ron Paul mentions Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party. I look into them and became a member because their party platform matched up with nearly everything I believe in; and they had a very serious 50 state presence that the Constitution Party never seemed to have or work for. Election came and went, but stuck with them because they still kept advancing.

2016 and now I am an editor and journalist and know to look beyond just party line, but look at candidates individually. There are sometimes great candidates that run under all labels. Research is always needed and questions must always be asked. I'm still Libertarian Party member; but know to always look into things, ask questions and follow money trails, etc.

Is this not a reflection of science? As new information is gained, the old information is thrown out once it's proven wrong or obsolete? Shouldn't we evolve our own views with new information? In all aspects of our daily lives?

"Is this not a reflection of science? As new information is gained, the old information is thrown out once it's proven wrong or obsolete? Shouldn't we evolve our own views with new information? In all aspects of our daily lives?"
- David Malekar

Along those lines, why delete or remove people from your lives just because they disagree with you on political information? Why NOT talk about it? I learn so much from others by listening. I have shared years of happiness and memories with people who disagree with me politically. I would lay down my life for a lot of these people if they were in physical harms way in front of my own eyes. Every major election cycle, I lose friends because of these things. This year was the worst of them all because I took on a major Libertarian party role and became a journalist/editor heavily in my spare time. I've never deleted anyone from my personal life for being a Democrat, a Republican, a Nationalist, a Communist, or whatever.

I can't comprehend the behavior or mentality of removing people from your life for political beliefs. Getting rid of folks for personal attacks is a completely different story. Political beliefs are not personal attacks. There are people who think this and the mentality is dangerous, unrealistic and unhealthy.

Political beliefs do not define who you are, they are just an extension of you, like your job. Your job in itself doesn't define who you are. You wouldn't delete someone from your life for being in a job profession that you hate. Why politics?

"I can't comprehend the behavior or mentality of removing people from your life for political beliefs. Getting rid of folks for personal attacks is a completely different story. Political beliefs are not personal attacks. There are people who think this and the mentality is dangerous, unrealistic and unhealthy.

Political beliefs do not define who you are, they are just an extension of you, like your job. Your job in itself doesn't define who you are. You wouldn't delete someone from your life for being in a job profession that you hate. Why politics?"
- David Malekar

One or two Facebook or social media posts a day don't define who you are. Your political view doesn't define who you are. Your job doesn't define who you are. You define who you are.

I'm sick of people being so insecure or whatever the excuse is that they're removing people from their lives that care about them. All over something that doesn't even define their relationship with the person or the person's character. This is current year and there's no reason why we can't have an open discussion, agreeing or disagreeing; but still be able to have relationships and friendships with one another.

I have been told countless times that the person I am online is not an accurate reflection of who I am in the real world; and I agree. I use the Internet to spread information. I do much more than what you see here.

Those of you who don't know me outside of the political world, I'm a IT and Wireless Professional, Amateur Photographer and Web/Graphic Designer, Community Activist and Volunteer/Homelessness Advocate, Artist, Actor, MMA and Wrestling Announcer and Enthusiast, Weight Lifter, Karaoke Nut, Crisis/Suicide Prevention Counselor, Mental Health Awareness Advocate, Marketer and Sales, Retro and Modern Video Games both PC and Console/Arcade-Lightgun and Pinball, Seattle Seahawks-Baltimore Orioles-Washington Bullets (very old school, I know)-Pittsburgh Penguin fan, Car Enthusiast, Outdoor and Urban Explorer, (90sRock-Alt Rock-Grunge-FusionJazz-Later 80s to some current Gangsta/Rap/Hip-Hop, Techno-House-Trap, BluesGrass-OldSchoolCountry, 50s60s) Music Listener, Freestyle Dancer, Writer,  Murican-Italian-Mexican Food loving guy. I probably forgot a dozen other things.

Those things still don't even describe my personality or how I am with my friends, family and co-workers, strangers. I like to laugh and make others laugh; kid around and make others happy. I like to listen and give people a chance to be heard, to hug and break stereotypes. I like to teach, to help and repair things; both physically and mentally. My life experiences that could be talked about for hours, from childhood to now. Poverty, starvation, broken home, rising out of the ghetto by working hard against impossible odds. Having a lot of bad relationships and good ones; finding the love of my life. Owning my own business after working so hard to get to that point, then losing it years later and losing my wife to suicide. Going homeless and having nothing again. The struggles and hardships and corruption for years, abusive relationships and people. Moving over 3 thousand miles to give life another try and accomplishing a million things since the beginning. This is so condensed, it doesn't even cover 1% of it.

I hate that I have had to keep saying this throughout the year, but politics does not define who you are; and neither does a couple Facebook/Social Media posts. If you think they do, you have serious revisions to do within your own life. Nobody is worth losing that you care about, over this.

If your identity is entirely based upon collectivist politics, unplug and take control of your life; become your own self and define who you are on your own. Then realize this applies to everyone else, as well.

"If your identity is entirely based upon collectivist politics, unplug and take control of your life; become your own self and define who you are on your own. Then realize this applies to everyone else, as well."
- David Malekar
David Malekar is an Independent Associate Editor for The Liberty Chronicle Independent, Civil Rights Activist and various other causes.

You can follow him at the links below:

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Bitter Pill Libertarians must swallow to get Elected by David Malekar

The Bitter Pill Libertarians must swallow to get Elected:

Unless you are very rich and/or already are a known celebrity in your area of position you're running for (President - Nationally known, Governor - State Wide known, House of Reps - District Wide known), you're going to have a VERY hard time.

It's not that your messaging is wrong, Libertarians have a solid message to stand on. It's simply a matter to the average person of being "known." Good publicity, bad publicity, doesn't matter. What matters is that you're already known.

One way to do this is to just keep running over and over again for the same position. Works, but can take you 12 years before you're elected.


Start from the bottom and work your way up. City Council, local positions within your city, etc. You develop credibility and can demonstrate success. You gain attention. You climb the ladder.
 The average voter gets annoyed with libertarians because A) No idea who they are because they don't check up on politics but a few times a year B) Don't like that they don't have prior office experience

Would Bill Gates hire you as a CEO for Microsoft for being Libertarian, or because you were a Board Director for ExxonMobil? Trump is doing the same thing at this moment with his cabinet. He's hiring people with years of experience in their fields. We may not like the picks, but he's looking at it from a business perspective. This is the same way the voters are going to think. They need to already know who you are, or know that you have a proven track record. Let's keep growing up and learning, folks.
David Malekar is an Independent Associate Editor for The Liberty Chronicle Independent, Civil Rights Activist and various other causes.

You can follow him at the links below:

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Political Bigotry in Americas Workforce by David Malekar

There was a time, in the 40's and 50's America.

A time where talking about Communism or Socialism could cost you your job/career and have you Blacklisted from a lot of job places in society. 

I didn't agree with that, as it was a censorship of freedom of speech.

Fast Forward to Present Day.

It's currently a time where talking about Libertarianism, Conservatism, Small Government, or other "Right" ideologies cost you your job/career and Blacklist you in a lot of job places in society.

I don't agree with that, as it's a censorship of freedom of speech.

Why is it so difficult to be "in the middle" for the average person? For society?

If you live in a Blue state, you're going to have a great time if you're "Liberal." If you live in a Red state, you'll be doing well as a Republican. If you're Libertarian, you're accused of being one or the other depending on what crowd you're talking to. I'm really sick of it.

In 2007, I was threatened with Termination from my employment for being against the Iraq War and NSA Surveillance. Both of these topics today are socially acceptable. I was the top producer in our company at the time. How would this be a logical decision for the employer? There have been plenty of incidences since that time period. One should not have to live in fear of their employment for what personal beliefs they have.

What keeps the population from wanting to hear from all sides? Why does nobody ask "why?" Why does society willingly ignore what the reasons are behind someone's beliefs? Have they ever thought there's a reason why they have the conclusions that they do? How is it so difficult to find middle ground?

Wanting the following does not make you Republican:
> No Restrictions on any of the Bill of Rights
> Low Taxation
> Strong National Defense and Security
> Using All Affordable Energy
> Less and No Burdening Regulations
> Solid International Trade Deals
> Free Market
> Small Government

Wanting the following does not make you a Democrat:
> Civil Rights
> Criminal Justice Reform
> Ending the Military Industrial Complex
> Ending the Militarized Police State
> Helping the Poor/Homeless
> Ending the Drug War
> What to do with your own body
> Who to have a relationship with

There needs to be an end to Political Discrimination in the workplace and workforce. Your Political beliefs should have zero impact on your job as long as you're doing your job well. If someone refuses to work with you because of your political beliefs when you're capable of doing the job, that's Bigotry. This has run wild in this country and it has to end.

End this censorship and discrimination.
Be a leader and take a stand against Bigotry in the workplace.

David Malekar is an Independent Associate Editor for The Liberty Chronicle Independent, Civil Rights Activist and various other causes.

You can follow him at the links below:

Monday, December 5, 2016

Discussing the 2016 Presidential Election - Taking Back Our Country Radio Show 11/14/2016

Discussing the 2016 Presidential Election

Taking Back Our Country Radio Show 11/14/2016

Hamilton Radio's "Taking Back Our Country" radio program had me on as a guest and speak about the 2016 Presidential election regarding Donald Trump and various other topics, including the Liberty Chronicle Independent (which I am an Independent Associate Editor with).

***All rights reserved to their respected owners***

Garden Alliance Advocacy Program - Taking Back Our Country Radio Show 11/21/2016

Garden Alliance Advocacy Program

Taking Back Our Country Radio Show 11/21/2016

Hamilton Radio's "Taking Back Our Country" radio program had me on as a guest and speak about the Garden Alliance Advocacy Program and other various topics.

Visit the Garden Alliance at

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Current National Meltdown: Green Party Being Hijacked by DNC and Clinton

Shootin' Straight Show w/ DMM aka S3x

Current National Meltdown: Green Party Being Hijacked by DNC and Clinton

The Green Party on a national scale is imploding and it's sad to watch.

Half of the people online (in subreddits /r/jillstein and /r/GreenParty for example) seem to be going Pro-Hillary and they are downvoting anyone who challenges the current election recount or criticism of Clinton and the Democratic Party.  This is a blatant and obvious infiltration of the Green Party.

I ask my Brothers and Sisters in the Green Party to stand up and FIGHT back!

The 2016 Vice Presidential candidate, Ajamu Baraka is calling this out and everyone should be listening to him:

The Democratic Party knows that the Green Party is the last stand against them, and they want to be the ONLY party that represents folks on the Left.  The Green Party has the potential to destroy the Democratic Party for good, and this is why they are trying to Trojan Horse their way in.  They know that if they destroy you, they will have the Left on complete lock-down.

If you ignore all of the Wikileaks, and nearly everything the "Right" has said to you about Clinton, the corruption of the Democratic Party and Clinton shows by Bernie Sanders getting screwed out of the Democratic Party's nomination for President of the United States, this year.  That's all the proof you need that these people can not be trusted.

They propped up a candidate that said minorities should be "brought to heel" and called them "super predators."  Clinton did not support Marriage Equality until 20+ years later in her political career.  She is a professional liar.  You do not need this in your party, Green.

Libertarians will stand with you and your fight to keep your party going, as we are all allies against the Duopoly.

*Update to article December 3rd, 2016*
When asked if the Libertarian Party could be vulnerable to this as well, Bob Barr comes to mind, who ran in 2008. There was a NeoCon attempt to take over the LP, then.

Libertarian Party of 2008 had a similar feel to Green Party of 2016, on the verge of a revolution and huge spark. Because of that, the Republican Party's NeoCons saw this and decided to try and kill the party from within.

My fear is, the Greens are not as resilient as Libertarians and may just allow it to happen. Unlike the LP that stood their ground and was able to bounce back for 2012 with (at the time) an on fire Gary Johnson.

Libertarian Party is too big now to get knocked out, but the Greens are still small (like the LP of 2008) and are AT HUGE RISK of getting destroyed.

December 1st, 2016

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BONUS:  Link to the Facebook LiveStream version of this video: